Timestamp | Context |
14/03/2011 22:05:58 | Sooner or later there'll be enough time to update this more than once every N months. Or did I say that circa 7 years ago?
06/10/2010 11:54:59 | Noises You Don't Want To Hear From A Hard Drive |
25/09/2010 23:16:07 | ...or don't do it at all.
13/08/2010 14:26:59 | Fri 13: Other Sysadmin has recursively chown'd / to himself on $work's staging box. Goodbye sanity in /etc, /sbin, /usr/sbin and friends.
20/07/2010 12:57:50 | So far, we've had:
20/07/2010 12:57:50 | I'm waiting for the ubertriple:
19/07/2010 15:53:18 | Naturally, by the time you've got everything up and running, the problem that you're trying to fix, has fixed itself. |
22/06/2010 14:07:27 | Glastoroute part 1: 'Escape From New Shopping Centre" |
29/05/2010 16:16:39 | Is when you're in the pub, and a man walks past the window with a lobster in a box.
03/05/2010 18:04:14 | "If you're good, you can ride the donkey. If you're bad, the donkey can ride you."
22/04/2010 09:34:05 | Otherwise you'll be wondering why nothing works the way you expect. It's always fun when people forget to renew their domain then wonder why their site stops working.
05/01/2010 12:19:37 | Two VATs don't make a right. They do, however, make an excellent way of disposing of "the evidence".
02/12/2009 14:23:03 | Sadly, that's the best thing about today.
16/11/2009 15:43:39 | Then you're entirely accurate in saying "Vista? I'm sorry, I've never used it. Have you tried ringing the people you bought the machine from?"
16/11/2009 15:43:39 | Tactically, its worth using a version of windows that's at least one major release *behind* that of your "customer".
26/09/2009 12:22:24 | I'm in the wrong dayjob, obviously.
26/09/2009 11:35:30 | Its actually pretty easy. Call the first one 'miracle', the second one 'backup', and the third one 'whoops'. Job done.
17/08/2009 11:06:14 | Amazingly, you can't do "sudo -u root bash" on a Cisco PIX, no matter how many times you try.
13/08/2009 15:28:35 | If there *isn't* a hoover in earshot, start humming anyway. With luck other people will join in.
02/08/2009 14:56:16 | Basically the same as festivals, apart from you generally don't need to sleep on your wallet or go for a crap with a headtorch.
27/06/2009 10:06:24 | I'm currently at 2 for 2 on celebrity takedown - the workcycle goes as follows:
29/12/2008 01:50:56 | It's like recording TV, skipping thru the program, and watching the cornerblip and the adverts.
25/12/2008 15:59:31 | Oh, and Merry Xmyth, if anyone's readig this on 25/12/08.
21/11/2008 16:53:57 | At this rate I'll end up writing a CGI that comments about itself, and I can go down the pub. Job done.
16/11/2008 15:51:08 | du -xh | egrep $'G\t'
16/11/2008 15:51:08 | Who's caning the server space? |
07/11/2008 21:37:41 | and as per most other docs, set your working directories to a removeable device (8 gig SD chips are cheap now, anything else is a false economy), and aim Audacity's mp3 export prefs at /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0.0.0 - and done. |
07/11/2008 21:37:41 | Works nicely. There's been a few posts on the net with people having trouble getting the above combination working. My recipe (assuming standard EEE Xandros distro on an EEEPC701, and no farting about compiling anything): |
01/09/2008 12:48:38 | ...are password-protected for that reason, so the public aren't allowed access. Note *private* in the above. |
28/05/2008 19:00:04 | They say "you can't go home again". What they don't say is "a round will be fecking expensive if you do".
18/05/2008 04:13:34 | Oh yes. f*ck yes. Bring on Glade Festival 2008, this year's going to be an absolute belter.
04/05/2008 11:17:27 | sod web 2.0, we're web 0.2 |
22/03/2008 09:51:44 | Minor updates to the code, we're still not using a purple database, but there's better formatting in the output, with hacking about with the output engine.
18/03/2007 09:11:17 | That's......... weird.
20/11/2005 00:16:03 | time speeds up, or once you hit 30, it doesn't slow down...
20/11/2005 00:16:03 | I'd say "what the hell happened to everything", but either
20/11/2005 00:16:03 | And still there's no time to add to this thing.... |
16/03/2005 21:33:28 | One day, there'll be enough time to add content.
23/02/2004 00:47:24 | in effect, a waste of time if your GPS can't get a good
23/02/2004 00:47:24 | hole, or Aneka Rice. But you don't have to wear bad
23/02/2004 00:47:24 | and a website to the mix, and you've got something that is
23/02/2004 00:47:24 | It's a bit like golf, but spending all your time trying to
31/01/2004 20:21:40 | 150 miles away, that's the weekends gone with regards geek productivity)
31/01/2004 20:21:40 | (But, that said, there's more to life than geek...)
13/12/2003 20:50:41 | that you've had it in "macro" mode all the time...
13/12/2003 20:50:41 | it's pointed out to you that the reason all the shots
13/12/2003 20:50:41 | You know when you've had a brainfart for a month, when
13/12/2003 20:50:41 | (Still, at least it's not a hardware limitation - a
13/12/2003 20:50:41 | (More imporatantly, future shots woun't succumb to that
28/11/2003 04:18:04 | out from the control stalk, and it's up and running.
28/11/2003 04:18:04 | That's the price of Supersonic. Which is why only the *best* |
28/11/2003 04:18:04 | If there's a cabin/cockpit pressure failure, that means
28/11/2003 04:18:04 | As viewable in the artistic bit. Now, here's an interesting
11/11/2003 00:03:19 | Justin Timberlake: "I'm glad I won this award and not
20/10/2003 00:58:37 | Quite fast in reponse, too, on a 9600 link.... dunno how it'll handle wordwrap. |
19/10/2003 21:08:43 | it's not the demented raisin for this thing...)
19/10/2003 20:51:36 | not the kind of people who associate with people that don't know
19/10/2003 20:51:36 | custom client, no "smiley" graphics for people who can't use words,
19/10/2003 20:51:36 | Well, sorta. In as much as it's going to for v-1 - No shite HTML, no
19/10/2003 20:25:56 | or possibly "a load of turds are your arouser". That said, there's a
19/10/2003 20:25:56 | It's a load of words in your browser. |